Dutcher Consultants – Experienced. Affordable. Strategic Thinkers.

Are you beginning a new strategic planning process?
How successful was your last institutional strategic plan?
Have you been re-thinking the value of the traditional planning process?
Have you helped your constituents – trustees, cabinet, faculty and staff – become strategic thinkers?
Is your institution making progress on the initiatives that most influence your financial stability?

Unfortunately, many strategic plans are neither strategic nor a plan.

And, as we’ve all seen over the last year, a 3- or 5-year plan means nothing when an unexpected event throws your entire campus off kilter. Today’s environment requires strategic thinking, not a laundry list of actions that are not prioritized and cannot be funded.

Your campus needs your leadership to be able to turn on a dime, without losing focus of the long view. How?

  • You, your board, your cabinet, and your faculty have an accurate and clear understanding of your current financial and competitive position
  • These constituents know that flexibility and adaptability are the keys to viability
  • You’ve established and articulated a handful of short-term and long-term focused initiatives
  • Your executive team is in sync – fully committed to them – no hidden or personal agendas
  • Your budget reflects a financial commitment to these initiatives
  • Progress is measured on each initiative on a regular basis and reported out to all relevant constituencies
  • Priorities are re-set as and when initiatives are completed, and/or when the environment changes
  • Dashboards provide regular feedback on the external context to the leadership team on a regular basis, to enable the above.

The consultants at Dutcher LLC are former and current presidents, provosts, vice presidents, researchers, faculty, and staff who provide wraparound support as partners to your entire leadership team on strategic challenges. We’ve been in your seat and worn the shoes of your colleagues. We know this work is not easy, but it is essential to your institution’s success.

Find out how we can help you with:

  • institutional strategy
  • enrollment, retention and net revenue maximization
  • enrollment forecasting
  • international student market opportunities
  • performance dashboards and competitive analysis
  • academic program demand studies
  • faculty training and transition support for migrating courses and programs online
  • brainstorming and workshops with boards, cabinet, and faculty
  • accreditation self-study support
  • interim vice presidents, provosts, and presidents
  • coaching for executives

Our fees are much more reasonable than you’ll find at other firms. And our approach is contemporary and fresh, not seated in a strategic model that has outlived its shelf life.We’re real people who really care about the future of higher education – and, most importantly, your institution’s success.

View our talented, experienced team at dutcher.llc/our-consultants. Then email me (victoria@dutcher.llc) or call me (860.819.5786) to talk about creating a performance-based culture on your campus.

Victoria J. Dutcher
CEO and President
Dutcher LLC
The experts in performance driven leadership. Positioning today’s colleges and universities for tomorrow’s success.