Dutcher Consultants – Experienced. Affordable. Strategic Thinkers.

Are you beginning a new strategic planning process?How successful was your last institutional strategic plan?Have you been re-thinking the value of the traditional planning process?Have you helped your constituents – trustees, cabinet, faculty and staff – become strategic thinkers?Is your institution making progress on the initiatives that most influence your financial stability? Unfortunately, many strategic plans are neither strategic nor a plan. And, as we’ve all seen over the last year, a 3- or 5-year…

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Understand academic program demand – quickly and affordably

Are you considering new academic programs to expand your enrollment potential?Or evaluating the return on investment on existing programs? Would a third-party review of potential market demand, current competitor offerings and delivery modes inform your decision making process? Our research staff can provide you with the prospective outlook for a new undergraduate or graduate degree program within 30 days and for $4,500. Make sure your academic initiatives are grounded in objective data. Contact us today to…

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