Online & hybrid are still in demand, even on campus.  Does your campus offer the right mix?

This fall presents the best opportunity we’ve had in years for colleges and universities to return to “normal” and deliver the experience on-campus students expect.  So why are we talking about online and hybrid courses?  One reason online is still relevant is that student expectations for the college experience have shifted since the emergency remote pivot of 2020.  Students now expect more choice and flexibility in course delivery.  Even traditional, on-campus, undergraduates still want to…

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The Six Things Your Cabinet is Not Talking About – At Least Not Enough

Higher education faces challenges on many fronts. Competition for students has intensified like never before. High school students are increasingly opting to forego college because they and their parents perceive a lack of value. Ever-growing regulations and accreditation requirements have burdened institutions with additional expenses and staffing needs that create significant financial strain. In addition to all that, concerns about political divisiveness, racial tension, environmental matters, unrest in multiple parts of the world, and general concern about what the future may hold is giving prospective students pause about how best to prepare for life in this quickly changing and uncertain time. 

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Your Campus Crisis Response Plan

Campuses are complex environments that can be impacted by critical incidents both large and small in scope. As a result, the need to develop a comprehensive yet pragmatic crisis response plan and review it regularly is essential. Dutcher LLC would welcome the opportunity to do an initial review of your institution’s crisis response plan. We’ll schedule a free 45-minute Teams call to provide feedback and discuss ways we might be able to help in your efforts…

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How to Hire an Interim Chief Enrollment Officer

So, you think you need an interim chief enrollment officer, but what kind? You mean, there is more than one kind? Let’s talk: The Politician—While being hired for my first interim role, the president said, “I want you to pretend you are running for office. Shake hands, kiss babies.” In other words, he needed someone who was visible and made clear that there was a steady hand on the enrollment tiller. He did not want…

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The Difference Student Affairs Makes in a Shifting Higher Education Environment.

Does your university really want to improve student retention? If so, it is essential for institutions to remember that it is student affairs professionals who regularly interact with students during challenging times. That interaction can be what makes the difference in a student deciding to leave or stay, fail or succeed, and survive or thrive. Unfortunately, many institutions appear unaware of just how essential a fully staffed and supported student affairs area is to their…

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