Promises to Keep: Marlboro’s Search for a Partner

Poet Robert Frost’s student-centric teaching style inspired the creation of Marlboro College. Frost’s memorable line, “I have promises to keep and miles to go before I sleep…” also captures the essence of the marathon-like partnership exploration process Marlboro undertook before finalizing its alliance with Emerson College in the summer of 2020. As Marlboro’s president, I had a unique perspective on the complexities involved in merging two academic institutions. Everyone involved, from both colleges, was in…

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On Leadership: An exclusive interview with Nathan Grawe

Nathan Grawe’s latest book, “The Agile College,” shared many excellent examples of transformation in higher education and the leaders that inspired change. Listen to Dutcher LLC’s CEO discuss some of the book’s major themes with the author. Come away with new ideas and renewed courage to charge forward through your institutions challenges and obstacles!

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Experienced presidents can help you educate your board

The demographic and financial challenges for higher education have been apparent for quite some time. So why haven’t institutions adequately adapted to overcome these obstacles? What will it take to prepare your campus for a sustainable future? In our client work, we find that decision makers don’t need another consultant to show them the environmental data one more time. Presidents, cabinets, and boards want to know what to do – and how to do it.…

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Is Your Campus Receiving Merger Proposals? Or Thinking About Suggesting One to Your Board?

With a recent spate of college closings and lingering concerns about the pandemic’s impact, many campus leaders are taking another hard look at their institution’s financial conditions and enrollment trends and revising plans on how best to sustain their institution’s purpose and support its people. If you are thinking of a merger/acquisition as one of your options, you may want to know how your institution could receive serious proposals, or if you have received a…

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