Your Campus Crisis Response Plan

Campuses are complex environments that can be impacted by critical incidents both large and small in scope. As a result, the need to develop a comprehensive yet pragmatic crisis response plan and review it regularly is essential.

Dutcher LLC would welcome the opportunity to do an initial review of your institution’s crisis response plan. We’ll schedule a free 45-minute Teams call to provide feedback and discuss ways we might be able to help in your efforts to improve plans, training, and preparedness. In examining your plan, we will focus on the following broad areas:

  • Risk Analysis
  • Activation Protocol
  • Chain of Command
  • Command Center Plan
  • Response Action Plans
  • Internal and External Communication Plans
  • Resources Available When a Crisis Occurs
  • Training Provided
  • After Incident Review
  • Schedule for Regular Review of Plan

Given the importance of creating a safe community on a college campus, we hope you will contact us for this free consultation.

Email Dave Emsweller at to schedule your free review.